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As of January 2019, the Leopardess Foundation supports the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust. We are most interested in their Bio Boundary Project. Please find below a description of this project:
"Developing artificial chemical signals that will keep African Wild Dogs safely inside the borders of protected conservation areas depends on a strong partnership between field work and analytical chemistry. What samples the lab needs to analyse depends on the results of field work on the biology of African wild dog scent marking, and the formulas for the artificial scent marks that are tested on wild dogs in the field depends on the results of chemical analyses in the lab. Both the field work and the chemical analyses use cutting edge methods, research strategies and data analysis."
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The bio-boundary was initially developed for the African Wild Dog, however a leopard has decided to join in on the fun. The Botswana Predator Conservation have discovered that the scent can be used as a leopard repellent as they are the biggest killers of livestock. This boundary can save not only the livestock but also the predators themselves by reducing the human-predator conflict. 
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